Meeting called to order at 7:31
Attendees: Jon Pearce, Tony Starr, Jeff Garth, Michael Pecorini, Frank Romeo, John O’Connell, Al Arrison
Motion to approve minutes of previous meeting by Tony, seconded by Jon, approved.
Treasurer’s report by John. As of April 30th balance of $3000.55
Old business
Jon discussed the two proposals. ARDC from the foundation for the VHF station for $10k. This proposal was submitted and the due date was yesterday. Decision is by July 8. We expect to hear back from a grant coordinator. The other Grant is ARRL for power, antenna, feedline, etc. This is for up to $25k and we submitted for $29k, the difference from the foundation and club. There will be a webinar tomorrow for more details. ARRL is looking to fund stations that hams can operate so we are hoping that we are meeting the requirements exactly.
Frank discussed the ARRL grant coming from the club, not the foundation. Mike mentioned most is infrastructure and should be the club. Jon checked with Tony about writing this grant for the club and Tony said there isn’t an issue without board approval as it is just a funds request. Jon offered for the text to be available for anyone to read if needed. Frank mentioned it was brought up at board meetings without issue and Jon will make sure anyone who needs it can have the proposal.
New Business
Jon brought up the VHF room improvements. The foundation will provide for use the mini split unit. Frank expects the efficiency to be half the consumption of the window unit. The issue is, as mentioned previously, the foundation owning the infrastructure. After discussing last saturday, the foundation isn’t concerned about this unit from an ownership standpoint.
Jon called a motion to spend about $1200. John asked for not to exceed $1300, Tony Starr seconded. All approved.
Jon brought up the idea by Frank to solicit funds for the outdoor grounding materials from the foundation for tax reasons. The materials would be donated to the foundation but. This is just to be made aware but no concern for the foundation or club. Frank doesn’t believe this will happen immediately but Ron Block might have contacts for donations and/or discounts to consider that the foundation alone could receive.
John discussed that we have set up the for charitable donations. Five people have signed up and it is paid quarterly after $5 accumulation. John went into detail about the Smile program for clarity to the group. Jon will announce this on Wednesday when discussing the foundation under new business in the general membership meeting.
Al made mention of there being possible confusion for ownership of property to the general membership of the club. Jon clarified that the foundation does own what it owns, and it can be messy, but the foundation does allow us to have things the club itself could not afford. Jon brought up the equipment grant is only 401C and the club can’t manage this. John mentioned that we can’t just pick up and go, it either needs to be donated to another 401C ham radio club or left in place. Jon also mentioned that while we cannot give anything to the club, the club can buy it at fair market value with depreciation considered. Tony clarified this with verbiage that he will use for general conversations. Jon mentioned that most activities, specifically at the clubhouse, fall into the foundation’s purpose and purview. Used the mini split as an example; mini split is needed to maintain the equipment for the purposes of keeping educational equipment in good working order.
Motion to adjourn made by Tony Starr at 8:02, seconded by Jon.
Meeting adjourned at 8:02